Our 2018 Autumn Golf Weekend will take place from Friday 21st September to Sunday 23rd September at the Golf de l’Ailette in Cerny-en-Laonnois, 135 km. north-east of Paris (near Laon): see their website: golfdelailette.fr, (or in French) an interesting and pretty course, around the Lac de l’Ailette. Urgent - need confirmation to Claude by the end of March!

We will be staying at the Hôtel du Golf de l’Ailette, situated on the lake, within walking distance of the course.

The cost for 3 rounds of golf and 2 nights with dinner is approx. 360€ per person (double room), excluding lunches; single room 5O€ per night extra.

We have been asked for a firm commitment by the end of March, so, as soon as possible, please let Claude Jacques (jocljacques@yahoo.fr) know if you are interested.