
 2019 Mixed Matchplay Draw

(Please email golfbag at  with results as they come in...)

The matches to be played off Yellow tees for the men and Red tees for the ladies. The handicap is based on the full handicap difference of the day. The Maximum handicap is 28.

1st Round
30th June
2nd Round
11th August
8th September
Ze Winner 
 James Moore Jeanne Delacroix                John McCallum                 

John McCallum

 Jeanne Delacroix
 Peter Hall Jenny Pratt  
 Jenny Pratt
 Claude Jacques Emile Freiha John McCallum    
 Emile Freiha
 Monica Greenwood John McCallum
 John McCallum
 John Goodhardt John Goodhardt   John Goodhardt             John Goodhardt
 David Colson
 Frédéric Thiriet   
 Ian Jones
 Bertrand Delacroix Bertrand Delacroix Sue Hall
 John Greenwood
 Bye Sue Hall